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I saw your "STM32CubeIDE Advanced Debug Features: Part 2" youtube video for SWD debugging, I tryed to create similar project but I got stuck in the compilation process

Associate II

Hi, I just followed your instructions in my discovery disc1 board, first by generating code automatically from stm32cubeide v1.6.1, and then by appending additional debug code (define itm_port, _write function, etc), but in the compilation process the _write function in main.c is not reached by the compiler ('_write' defined but not used). So, I got stuck in the 1st pass. Could you help me?

Associate II

I could compile sucesfully by changing _write function order. Now I can debug trace but only show data in data console and so on by stepping the program. Any clue?

What additional kind of information/data are you looking to see? Perhaps you need to activate additional debug features, depending on what you're looking for?

Associate II

Hi Markus, may be I wasn´t very clear (:>). The problem is that in my debugging session the data is not traced when the program is running. For example output to the swv data console. Only works when I step the printf function. I actived all the features I need but is not working as I saw in the demo.

Hello again!

I believe that perhaps you're mixing up some terminology. In the part 2 YouTube video Bruno is demonstrating Live Expressions. Any data you would get would come from the Live Expressions view. So if you've only made it to part 2 yet then there shouldn't be any data in the swv views since it has not been configured yet.

Part 3 demonstrates SWV and how to set that up.

Part 4 demonstrates ITM/printf.