2022-02-25 11:54 PM
I'm new to Cubeide pls give detail to solution.
Thank you so much.
2022-02-26 02:23 AM
> Am I loading the code to wrong place(RAM).
Only you know where your code is loaded. But let's assume it is in RAM.
What do you think will happen to this code after you plug out the board?
2022-02-26 02:26 AM
Code will be deleted and bord won't work.
How can i load the code to ROM. Where is the setting for that in Cubeide?
2022-02-26 04:57 AM
Code is loaded into FLASH by default, which is in specified the *_FLASH.ld linker script.
After you power cycle the board, connect with STM32CubeProgrammer and verify the program is in FLASH, which is very likely the case. If it is, there's a bug somewhere. You can connect under debug to determine where the processor is at. If it has power (and NRST is high), it's running something.
2022-02-26 05:10 AM
Custom board?
Make sure BOOT0 is pulled LOW