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I have a problem on the debugging

Associate II

i am using a STMCubeIDE v1.11.2 with windows 10 when i creat a new project it is working if i closed the IDE and open it again the problem below occure

Error in final launch sequence:

Failed to execute MI command:

target remote localhost:٦١٢٣٤

Error message from debugger back end:

localhost:?????: No such file or directory.

Failed to execute MI command:

target remote localhost:٦١٢٣٤

Error message from debugger back end:

localhost:?????: No such file or directory.

localhost:?????: No such file or directory.

this is a screenshot for the problem0693W00000aJfQ3QAK.jpg



Not clear why your system display hieroglyphs instead of numbers.

Not sure how well any of this is tested on foreign language versions of windows.

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this is number is 61234

I changed the number system of the windows from arabic to english and it is working now

Thanks for checking / confirming that.


Can we push this into the respective teams to do some SW QA with different Windows Language / Locale settings. Thanks

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Thanks @Community member​ for bringing this issue to our attention.

@Semer CHERNI​  will take care to investigate this issue.


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