2020-09-12 11:24 AM
2020-09-12 2:06 PM
If ST-Link is not detected, ensure it's powered correctly. Ensure it's not in use by another application. Power cycle the board. Try a different cable. Try a different board. Reboot. Try a different computer. The typical troubleshooting things.
2020-09-16 6:19 AM
Did you update STM32CubeIde to v1.4.0 ?
Try to use the STM32CubeIde v1.4.0 installer to have the STLink server installed and then update to the latest STM32CubeIDe version v1.4.2.
There has been some cases with issue on USB Hub port and STLink are not detected.
If after a fresh install, you still have the same issue, you can try to patch the libusb dll v1.0.23 in STLink server install folder.
libusb v1.0.23 can be found here https://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb/files/libusb-1.0/libusb-1.0.23/libusb-
Unzip and copy the libusb-1.0.dll found in the libusb-\MinGW32\dll folder and patch it in C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\stlink_server folder.
If you are using Openocd, you should also patch the dll in CubeIde 1.4.0 plugin in : STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.openocd.win32_1.4.0......\tools\bin
2020-09-17 10:27 AM
2020-09-18 1:18 AM
Yes, as previously said, you must install STLink server to be able to detect STLink and upgrade its firmware if needed.
For the tiny font size, I suppose you're using a 4K display and it is not in relation to debug.
On Windows, you can change the STM32CubeIde shortcut properties and in Compatibility pane, change "high DPI setttings" to "Override high DPI scaling behavior" in the bottom and set Scaling performed by "System".
2020-09-18 1:33 AM
I have a 4K display and choosing "System (Enhanced)" is even better (no blur on characters).
2020-09-18 9:40 AM
The change to the compatibility settings on the IDE shortcut worked perfectly! I suppose it was fate that you, LaurentL answered the question from your English namesake Lawrence, but I am grateful. There are several posts to be found on the internet asking for help on this problem. Yours is the only one that has worked.