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How to program Blue Pill (STM32F103C8T6) using C++ on STM32Cube IDE to blink its LED as the first embedded project

Associate III

Hi all,

This is my first embedded programming project and Blue Pill is my first board to work on. Since I've got some experience in C++, I wish to use that language to make a project for blinking the Blue Pill's LED. Amongst various IDEs out there I picked up STM32CubeIDE because I suppose they both are from a family and they're better to be used together.

There are very many tutorials regarding Blinking Blue Pill's LED on the Web, but the problem with all I came across were two things: they all use the C language to program and also a pre-made code for the project. I want to use C++ and write the code myself.

After installing the IDE, I created a new STM32 Project called "Blinking LED" and then selected C++ as the target language and I'm stopped there.

What I need now is a guidance to conduct me from that point up to the IDE's code editor where I can put my own C++ code for the project to be run on the board.