2019-07-29 2:22 PM
I've tried 10 or more times now to get around this problem.
I'm choosing the STM32F413RGtx for the uC in STM32CubeIDE new STM32 project,
I go to generate code from the embedded CubeMX screen and it always tries to download that stm32cube_fw_f4_v1240.zip file and fails with either a timeout or something about a MD5 checksum error. I've tried to manually install that file and it says it is installed but it always tries to download that file and fails. How do I get around this problem?
2019-09-14 8:34 AM
I succeeded in the following way.
1) Preference > STM32Cube > Firmware Updater
Change "Firmware installation repository" to C:\Users\***\STM32CubeIDE\Firmware .
(note : create a new "Firmware" folder under the STM32CubeIDE)
2) Puts the mirrored zip file (stm32cube_fw_f4_v1240.zip and stm32cube_fw_f4_v1241.zip) in "Firmware" folder.
3) When you create a project with the Nucreo F401 board (example) from the Start new STM32 project, zip decompression will start.
2019-12-12 6:56 AM
Сhange default repository change the default path to the default repository to a path containing only English letters (HELP/Updater Settings/UpdaterSettings. The problem will disappear, everything will be downloaded and installed.