2019-11-03 2:50 PM
I'm trying to compile the firmware to use the B-L475E-IOT01A in AWS IoT.
I just download the pack X CUBE AWS, import to STM32CubeIDE(v1.0.0 and v1.1.0) and compile.
There are two error on make file.
I try to make the samething with SW4STM32(v2.9 and v2.8), and the same problem appears.
make[1]: *** [makefile:88: post-build] Error 1
make: *** [makefile:55: all] Error 2
Obs.: I need to atualize the firmware because I have an old version and don't work on AWS IoT.
2019-11-22 4:32 AM
Which version of X-CUBE-AWS are you using ? 1.4.0 ?
From the log the post-build script failed.
The postbuild is used to create a big binary file with SBSFU boot loader and the application concatenated together.
Normally the SBSFU post-build script creates an "output.txt" file in directory SW4STM32. What is the content of this file ? It can give some hint about the problem.
did you install STM32 Cube Programmer v2.x ? it is required to create the SBSFU+application binary.
Also are you on Windows or Linux ? On Windows the postbuild script is a python script pre-compiled in an .exe file. It should run alone.
On Linux the python script is used directly so you need python to run it.
2019-12-12 4:51 AM
Hi @Guillaume K !
I'm using Windows. I have STM32 Cube Programmer installed.
I found on X CUBE AWS folder a compiled filed, so I just use that.
Thank you!