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How to configure external eclipse stm32 project so that it can be debugged as cube cortex application

Associate II

Our project firmware is build using cmake. Cmake is used to create Eclipse project like this

cmake ..\Firmware -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja" -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_VERSION=4.16

I can import project to CubeIde without proplems and buid it there. Proplem is that CubeIde debugger configuration does seems to accept project as valid project for debuged in stm32.

I have also created bootloader using CubeIde and that I can use for debugging and I have attached Firmware elf to be loaded when BL is debugged. This is workaround to make possible to use CubeIde debugging our firmware.

I attach photo Eclipse error message when configuring debugger

0693W00000BaAcuQAF.jpgHow I should modify our Firmware project so that CubeIde can use it directly to debugging?


Please mark such post as answered helping community to focus on most valuable contributions.

As far as I'm aware no STM32CubeIDE is not open source.

Myself I would submit "So my improvement idea would be that CubeIde debugger configuration could have own settings for MCU. Then it could be used to debug what ever project." to Idea Zone ( who knows you may win a new feature in coming releases

I can mark as resolved but I am not familiad how to do it.