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How do I use the STM32CubeIDE?

Associate II

I have just downloaded the STM32 IDE, and I find it very complicated to use it. I am using a bare MCU, no dev board, hence I am using the STLink-V2 to program the MCU. I want some help on how to write my program to blink an led and set up the STLink-V2 to run with the CubeIDE.

Thank you


Perhaps there are some video tutorials you could watch?

Writing a blinky program on a NUCLEO vs Custom + ST-LINK should be materially similar. You'd need to know the IC you're using, and the pin the LED is attached too.

Perhaps find an example or template project which are a close match, and start from there.

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Otherwise, you can follow our Wiki STM32 MCU here below, step #1, #2 and #3.



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Thank you I am using a STM32F030R8, I have followed some, but when I connect my ST-Link V2 to my computer it says"Error in initialising ST-Link device" "Error with command: gdb --version" what am I supposed to do?