2019-09-27 6:40 AM
STM32CubeIDE is not 'seeing' the arm_math functions, although I have installed them and I have #included arm_math.h
2019-09-28 12:24 AM
Not "seeing" is not a useful description. Post the particular error text here.
2019-09-28 5:21 AM
I get messages '..function not found..' when I build the project.
2019-09-28 7:06 AM
You should add the include directories within the project - options - build - tool chains - gcc compiler. I don't remember right now the exact options path but is should be something similar
2019-09-28 7:08 AM
Additionally, what do you mean by I've installed?
2019-09-28 7:11 AM
That is also not a full description. Are you able to do a simple copy and paste? Post the full and exact error text!
2019-09-28 4:09 PM
It sounds like you’re not including the libraries in the linker command. Not sure how to do that in stm32cubeide but maybe that’ll give you something to search for.