2019-11-11 5:39 PM
I have to build some projects that were developed in STM32CubeIDE using a continuous integration engine. This involves checking out the Git repo containing a project, then issuing commands to generate the Makefiles and make the relevant targets. This is a C++ project using the Gnu Make builder, and the build host is headless.
The help center offers no insight into this, an Internet search was not helpful, and I could not find a mention of continuous integration in the ST communities.
What command(s) should I issue to generate the project's Makefiles?
Many thanks in advance,
2019-11-12 9:03 AM
My build server runs a command like:
/opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.1.0/stm32cubeide --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data workspace -import demo -cleanBuild demo/DebugBuild
2020-04-20 9:32 AM
I am running 1.3.0 in linux LMint version 19.3 and the answer given does not work. Perhaps somethings have changed since the IDE version 1.1.0.
Tom V can you point to where you obtained the information that lead to the command line you use?
2020-04-20 6:24 PM
Check headless.sh in the same directory with CubeIDE executable
-- pa