2019-12-04 4:09 AM
I also want to see where the defines or variables in the current page originate from?
for functions its key "F3", but by variables and defines i don't know how to find them...
2019-12-04 6:17 AM
Ctrl + H (or just clicking the searchlight icon in the toolbar) will open up the search dialog. You can specify what you're looking for and in what scope.
Origins of a variable or something like that is usually easiest done by just Ctrl + Left click it in the editor.
2019-12-04 11:22 PM
Thank you for your answer, i used the Ctrl + Left click it worked. But i think it doesn't work for HAL drivers both .C files and .h files. Is there another way to see the contents of HAL drivers with shortcut keys?
I have bought stm32f796I-discovery, and i can't find the original project file with all the features that programmed on this board from the first place, where can i find it? Or is there any way to read the Flash memory with embedded stLink?
And isn't there any manual, that helps beginner where to start?... i watched the video " getting started ", but i still have lots of questions.
2019-12-05 2:12 AM
When it doesn't work, is that with an example project with HAL drivers? It could be a problem in the editor if the project is not self-contained and the HAL drivers are located elsewhere.
I believe the original project that is programmed on the board is one of the examples/demonstrations in the F7 firmware package. You can download it here. I'm not 100% sure about that, though!
There's a quick start guide I made that covers the very basic stuff that you can find here.
We will also release a user guide pretty soon but until then I would recommend using the TrueSTUDIO user guide as the tools have some similarities. That one you can find here.
2019-12-05 3:17 AM
Yeah, it's an example project with HAL drivers. right now i checked another example project named "BSP", and there wasn't such problem, what should i do to fix this?
About the Original project i think it's "BSP".
I want to build and debug example project "BSP", but there is a error:
Error in final launch sequence:
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: (5) Unknown MCU found on target.
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: (5) Unknown MCU found on target.
and i don't know what's the problem, can you help by this too?
i also have another question, when i'm coding and using Hal fuctions, i want that the ide suggest the functions, is it possible?
thanks for the links and help...
2019-12-07 10:53 PM
My problem with example project got fixed. I simply unzipped the stm32f7 package.
with debugging problem, i realized that, though i update the st-link , but it didn't update, and finally i was able to update it. and also i have to choose swd port and i can't program with jtag.
i still wondering that, how is it possible, while coding the ide suggest the HAL functions???!!!
Thanks again
2019-12-08 11:55 PM
You mean like auto-completing functions and stuff? That should be Ctrl + space.