2022-12-20 7:31 AM
2022-12-20 7:53 AM
Hello LKlin.1 (Community Member)
I think the following software expansion for STM32Cube and UM2978 document will help you to:
Best regards,
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2022-12-20 7:53 AM
Hello LKlin.1 (Community Member)
I think the following software expansion for STM32Cube and UM2978 document will help you to:
Best regards,
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2022-12-21 4:28 AM
Hi Romain,
thanks for the quick response! i went through the document but the problem is i just want to run the examples listes below and make changes. unfortunately im not able to do so because it isnt a stm Project. can you maybe help me with that? or is there a possibility to have a call via teams or anything else?
2022-12-21 4:52 AM
Hi LeonKlingele (Community Member)
I'm not sure that we are refering to the same examples package?
The project structure that you show does not figure in the X-Cube-TOF1 package ?
May I made a mistake ?
What is VL53L4CD_ULD_V2.1.0 folder ?
For me you have two choices:
Use STM32CubeMX and select the X-CUBE-TOF1 through the Embedeed Software Packages Manager and install it.
X-CUBE-TOF1 contains Drivers and STM32 example projects it allows to test example directly in STM32CubeIDE.
Or download it as stand-alone and use proposed Nucleo-F401 or Nucleo-L476 example as reference for your own project/hardware.
Let me know ?
Best regards,
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2022-12-21 5:00 AM
Hi Romain,
i think we are talking about two different files.
I am currently going trough the user manual UM2931 and it says that i need to download the ultra lite driver STSW-IMG026. The folder you see on my picture is the ultra lite driver. the user manual says that i need to import and run this folder in the STM IDE but somehow it is not possible.
i already downloaded all the packs you showed me on your photos but it still is not possible.
I already tried importing the driver as said on the website: Adding the VL53L1X Driver to an STM32Cube Project - eewiki / Microcontroller - Engineering and Component Solution Forum - TechForum │ Digi-Key (digikey.com) but this didnt work because its not fitting to my sensor
thanks for your advice Romain!
2022-12-21 5:55 AM
Sorry, I had not understood very well. Now It's clear.
I've downloaded the package STSW-IMG026, I see the folder VL53L4CD_ULD_Driver which contains the drivers in c language and there is CubeIDE_Example folder designed for Nucleo-F401RE and VL53L4CD TOF.
On my side I'm successfully imported this project into my STM32CubeIDE.
I simply double clic on .cproject and CubeIDE did the job.
And Build it without any error.
Can you describe what is impossible on your side ?
Best regards,
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2022-12-21 6:16 AM
Hi Romain, funny because i tried it and it never worked until now
the problem is i still cant find those files in the IDE but they are mentioned in the user manual
I also cant find the c.files which i need to run to adjust the sensor
Thanks Romain!
2022-12-21 6:28 AM
I don't know how do yo proceed to import the project that I'm refer ?
You have tried and never worked ? Do you saw an error message, or CubeIDE crying ?
If you can see the project folder, you should simply double clic on .cproject file below.
And the example code and drivers are automatically imported (see my previous print screen).
It must works on your side.
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2025-01-09 8:54 PM
Hi Romain,
I have a small question: Does the provided ultra-lite driver, STSW-IMG026, work only with Nucleo boards? Correct me if I am wrong. If this is not the case, can you guide me on interfacing VL53L4CD with STM32F030F4P6?