2022-03-13 12:52 PM
2022-03-13 1:32 PM
That is the start of the reset handler. Read RCC->CSR bits to determine why the chip reset. Possibly a watchdog issue. The watchdog does not stop in debug mode by default.
2022-03-13 1:32 PM
That is the start of the reset handler. Read RCC->CSR bits to determine why the chip reset. Possibly a watchdog issue. The watchdog does not stop in debug mode by default.
2022-03-13 1:37 PM
Thank you for your answer, can you tell me how to fix the problem because I am coding in c and my code is supposed to read data from a sensor at an i2c address
2022-03-13 1:49 PM
I have some suggestions in my previous post.
2022-03-13 1:52 PM
how to read this bit RCC->CSR bits
2022-03-13 2:02 PM
If you are using STM32CubeIDE, when you're in debug mode, open the SFRs tab and scroll to the RCC peripheral and read the values in the CSR register. Compare those against what is shown in the reference manual to determine the source of the reset.
In the "SFRs" view. (Window -> Show View -> SFRs).
2022-03-13 2:13 PM
Here is what I find in the rcc:
Peripheral: RCC
Base address: 0x40021000
there is no value