2021-05-20 09:13 AM
I had a working project in STM32CubeIDE when "suddenly" HAL_Delay() did no longer properly work (with the stepper motor shield). During investigation I found that HAL_Delay was basically hanging forever. No, without knowingly changing something, my code even hangs reproducibly in the very first line of code when calling HAL_Init().
HAL_Init() is calling HAL_InitTick() and the code hangs on that first line HAL_SYSTICK_Config().
__weak HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_InitTick(uint32_t TickPriority)
/* Configure the SysTick to have interrupt in 1ms time basis*/
if (HAL_SYSTICK_Config(SystemCoreClock / (1000U / uwTickFreq)) > 0U) <<<<<---------
return HAL_ERROR;
/* Configure the SysTick IRQ priority */
if (TickPriority < (1UL << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS))
What I don't understand is - WHY?
SystemCoreClock == 16000000
uwTickFreq == HAL_TICK_FREQ_1KHZ
HAL_SYSTICK_Config only consists of a call to SysTick_Config(TicksNumb) but even when I set a breakpoint on that line it is never called. When I interrupt the program the debugger tells me he's still on the line of HAL_SYSTICK_Config()
What could be the reason? I am literally tearing my hair out :(
All the CubeMX related stuff is after that, all the clock config is after that, interrupts are not in use as far as I can see - so what could be the reason for the code hanging there?
I restarted STMCubeIDE, cleaned and rebuild the project etc. etc. but to no avail.
I can of course simple start a new project but I would like to understand what is causing the problem.
I single stepped in the debugger and the CPU is stopping on that instruction "mov r1,r3" I cannot surpass that line?
2025-02-03 09:16 PM
Hey Hi,
I'm also facing same issue, did u solved ? , if u solved ! any method to solve that issue.