2022-09-15 11:29 PM
Hi everyone.
I use CubeIDE 1.10.1 and CubeMX 6.6.1 MCU stm32F401CCU6 stm32H750. StlinkV2 or J-link Ultra.
When I start debugging FreeRTOS I get stuck in the osKernelStart() -> vTaskStartScheduler-> xPortStartScheduler-> prvPortStartFirstTask-> and I stuck in my task forever but just during debugging !!!!
Without debugging program works fine. Why is it happening? Am I doing something wrong of this is a bug?
Please, can someone help me? I would be very grateful.
2022-09-16 2:28 AM
Hello @Vakula San ,
Welcome to ST Community :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
You can refer to the following training links for debugging FreeRTOS:
I hope this helps.
BeST Regards,
2022-09-16 5:04 AM
Hi @Walid ZRELLI.
As a new member I cannot add links. I already watched it and searched through this site.
The problem is next. the arrows grayed out and I stuck in my task. Cannot go further. I cannot figure it out. And could you please tell me why osDelay() or taskYIELD() during debugging does not switch context. Why I cannot do step-by-step debugging?
Thanks for the response.
2022-09-16 7:46 AM
This is mine main.c.
2022-09-16 7:47 AM