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FileX integration with NOR Flash memory

Associate II

I'm using STM32U083C-DK which has STM32U083MCT6 MCU. And I have an external NOR Flash memory: W25Q32JVSSIQ.
I've implemented the SPI communication with the Flash memory and able to reset, read the device ID and do basic Flash memory operations such as read, write and erase. 

Now, anyone can guide me on how to integrate this FileX (along with LevelX as it is required incase of NOR/ NAND Flash)? I've gone through the "Intro to FileX" and "Intro to LevelX" in the, some youtube videos and some github repos but not sure how to start and which to follow. I'm stuck!! 
Also, can I implement this without ThreadX? If ThreadX is definitely needed, I thought of following this: because, anyways for my project, the MCU will be in stop2 mode (low power mode) the entire time and for every certain time interval (and when there's a button interrupt) it collects the data from temperature sensor and writes the data into Flash memory. 

But for now, I just want to create a file system on the Flash memory and then write, read and erase a file with some dummy text.

And I'm attaching my stm32 project (which contains just SPI communication with NOR Flash but not sleep mode thing) here.