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file not found although its included on the include paths and exists in the directory



I am trying to compile code that works fine on my friend's pc.

the problem is that I am keep getting error that the compiler can't find the "stm32f7xx_hal.h" file even dough its there and I added it to the include paths.

can someone help?

Principal III

Check the compiler options in the build console view for the correct -I includes.

Check for spaces or other non-trivial or non-ASCII characters in the path like umlauts, quotes, ...



I'm not an Eclipse/CubeIDE adherent, but is a "Project Tree" actually a directory? Will the file load into the IDE if you click on it? What path does that show?

Show me this in a File Manager.

Make sure that whatever environment variable expansion you have in your Include Paths list actually expands to what you think it does.

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@Community member​ "is a 'Project Tree' actually a directory?"

No, it isn't.

"Will the file load into the IDE if you click on it? What path does that show?"


"Show me this in a File Manager"


"Make sure that whatever environment variable expansion you have in your Include Paths list actually expands to what you think it does."


The screenshot shows workspace_loc and ProjName used - so check that they are actually pointing to the correct places...

And, as @KnarfB​ said, check for "weird" characters in file (including folder) names;

only yesterday:


the file does exist in the file system and there are no  "weird" characters

and are you sure that folder matches your Include paths - after the symbols are expanded?