2023-08-17 5:26 AM
I am unable to generate the code with STcubeIDE for STM32H747I, will any one help me to sort this issue.
Version Details:
STcubeIDE : 1.13.1
CubeMX: 6.9.1
The error message is attached below
2023-08-17 5:53 AM
Open your IOC file, go to Project Manager and look at what firmware package it wants to use:
Then go to help -> Manage embedded software packages and download that package.
2023-08-17 6:16 AM
I confirmed that the relevant package is installed, and in the CubeMX it is showing as available.
Is there any other check?
2023-08-17 6:21 AM
Hi @Shyam1
Thank you for posting!
please check the connection (Preference>STM32Cube>Firmware updater)
2023-08-17 11:35 PM
Hi Souhaib,
Thanks for your support.
I tried with check connection, and could observe the same message see in the recommendation window.
I have ensure it is up to date "Target Selector Device Database Updates"; and ensured the software packages is available in the repository.
Will you please help any other alternative....
2023-08-21 1:51 AM
Hi @Shyam1
Are you using a proxy connection?
if yes please refer to this link How to set up proxy and P2P Ethernet connection with STM32CubeIDE - stm32mpu to set up your proxy connection with STM32CubeIDE.
2024-09-14 5:16 AM
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