2023-07-26 11:49 PM - edited 2023-07-27 4:17 AM
I am creating project using STM32CUBEMX for board (B-U585I-IOT02A) Non-Trust-Zone.
the above configuration done while creating project.
I am getting stuck at HardFault_Handler.
am I missing some configuration, please let me know !!
2023-07-27 3:42 AM
HardFault_Handler getting called indicates there is a bug somewhere. It's not useful guessing at what the problem is. Instead, diagnose the issue and find out where and why the fault is occurring. Step through the code, find out what statement causes it. Look at SCB registers. Lots of things you can do here to diagnose.
2023-07-27 4:22 AM
Thanks for reply
I am debugging the code through cubeide and it redirects to
osKernelStart -> vTaskStartScheduler -> xPortStartScheduler -> vStartFirstTask
2023-07-27 4:37 AM
Probably insufficient heap or thread stack size.
2023-07-27 5:32 AM
Could you please describe how to modify the stack and heap?
currently I am using heap_4.c when created the project.
2023-07-31 4:16 AM
Hi team,
let me know any other configuration m I missing while enabling freeRTOS for stm32u5 (B-U585I-IOT02A) board?
2024-04-15 6:34 AM
Did you find a solution for this issue ? I have the same one ...