2020-03-01 04:50 PM
I am trying to reproduce a project that was published on 11/23/2017, but I do not know the IDE (STM32CubeMx) version used (maybe v4.23), I was able to find this image reference, which shows the package version. When trying to reproduce this project with the current version of the IDE (STM32CubeIDE v1.3.0) it is not working, I believe that there was some modification in the package code.
2020-03-01 05:58 PM
I found a way, I will test
2020-03-03 09:59 AM
This procedure didn't work, the generated code has several flaws.
2020-03-03 10:01 AM
I downloaded an older version of the STM32CubeMX and it worked, version 4.22.0 was already with the FW 1.16.0 package.