2020-04-13 5:37 PM
hi, I am using cubeide v1.3 on win10.
While I am trying to generate code automatically using cubeide, I found I cannot change the firmware package name and version.
Since I only installed STM32CubeFW_F4 V1.24.0, and I donot wanna update to the newest version which is 1.25. How can I change the setting, which now is not editable.
2020-04-14 1:55 AM
Not possible. Or at least not possible if creating a new project. STM32Cube ecosystem is forcing you to use most recent version of firmware pack.
If having already an existing project then even if updating STM32Cube tool suite former versions of pack (the one your project is based on) is supported.
2020-04-14 2:13 AM
Hi @spica lai
STM32CubeIDE forces the user to use the most recent version of the firmware.
2020-04-14 5:40 PM
thx a lot.
However, I found a way to resolve this by edit *.ioc using an external text editor like this:
ProjectManager.FirmwarePackage=STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.24.0
which is quite arbitory.
Anyway, It is better to let users change it in a more convenient way.
2020-04-15 2:47 AM
Hello @spica lai
Thanks for your feedback, the reported problem has been detected and will be reviewed by STM32CubeIDE team.
I'll get back to you if there's any news.
Best regards,
2020-04-15 3:56 AM
BTW, I found a bug of CubeIDE.
When I didnot connect internet and start CubeIDE (open CubeIDE before internet is connected), I failed to open Embedded Software Package Manager.
The detail is:
As a whole, if I was offline, the Embedded Software Package manager cannot be opened.
That is to say, the package can not be installed from local OFFLINE.
2020-04-15 4:08 AM
Okay, i will check this then i'll get back to you.
2020-04-15 7:02 AM
Hello @spica lai
You have to do this following step:
Best regards,
2020-04-15 5:14 PM
thx a lot for your reply.
I have done want you have said.
however, when I clicked Embedded Software Package Manager again, nothing came out. The manager dialog doesnot come out.
Here is my experement:
2020-04-16 2:27 AM
Hi @spica lai
I tested the same scenario: I didn't connect internet then i start CubeIDE (open CubeIDE before internet is connected), I can open Manage Embedded Software Package normally.
Please try to reinstall the CubeIDE, then tell me if the problem still exists.
Best regards,