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CubeIDE 1.11.0 live view bugs

Associate II

After the update I have number of issues with debugging.

The code written on the pervious version seems working as intended but when I try too peek the values of some variables (e.g. uwTick) I get broken results.

  1. most obvious bug - order of variable in the live view:0693W00000WKhvhQAD.png
  2. another issue - wrong reported values. I tried to put in code the line
A = A + 10;

and the live view shows that every time the actual value is increased by 2560 (confirmed that A++; sometimes increments by 256 instead of 1)

sometimes it works as intended, restarting debugging session few times somehow fixes the issue, but it is really annoying

for reference, I use STLINK-V3SET with custom board based on F407 at 168MHz, and I have never had any issues with the hardware before today.


Walk the path by always installing the new version independently from the previous working one. It is always better to be careful, because, as someone wrote long ago in this forum, you get what you paid for...