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Cube 1.16.1 and GfxDesigner 4.24.1 generates different .cproject


Hi Cube/Gfx Team,

Cube 1.16.1 and GfxDesigner 4.24.1 generate different .cproject outputs.



In a commit on the left, rows 2 and 3 are on separate lines but in newly generated .cproject these are combined into single line 2 on the right. Also spaces are replaced with tabs.

Could this be somehow 'fixed' ?



Accepted Solutions

This python script fixes the .cproject


#  Tested on Windows, Cube 1.17, Gfx 4.24.1
#  This script processes a `.cproject` file with the following modifications:
#  1. Replaces every two-space indentation with a tab.
#  2. Uses CRLF (`\r\n`) as the newline format.
#  3. Merges lines 2 and 3 into line 2 with no extra characters between them.
#  4. Ensures the last line is exactly `</cproject>`, with no EOF or trailing newline.

import os

def process_cproject_file(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        content =
    # Force CRLF as the newline type
    newline_type = '\r\n'
    # Split into lines while preserving newline characters
    lines = content.splitlines()
    # Replace leading spaces with corresponding number of tabs
    processed_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        leading_spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
        tabs = '\t' * (leading_spaces // 2)  # Each two spaces become one tab
        processed_lines.append(tabs + line.lstrip())
    # Combine lines 2 and 3 into line 2 with no extra space
    if len(processed_lines) > 2:
        processed_lines[1] = processed_lines[1].rstrip() + processed_lines[2].lstrip()
        del processed_lines[2]
    # Ensure last element is exactly '</cproject>' with no extra newlines or EOF
    processed_lines[-1] = '</cproject>'
    # Write back changes using CRLF and ensure no trailing newline
    with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as file:
if __name__ == "__main__":



View solution in original post


This python script fixes the .cproject


#  Tested on Windows, Cube 1.17, Gfx 4.24.1
#  This script processes a `.cproject` file with the following modifications:
#  1. Replaces every two-space indentation with a tab.
#  2. Uses CRLF (`\r\n`) as the newline format.
#  3. Merges lines 2 and 3 into line 2 with no extra characters between them.
#  4. Ensures the last line is exactly `</cproject>`, with no EOF or trailing newline.

import os

def process_cproject_file(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        content =
    # Force CRLF as the newline type
    newline_type = '\r\n'
    # Split into lines while preserving newline characters
    lines = content.splitlines()
    # Replace leading spaces with corresponding number of tabs
    processed_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        leading_spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
        tabs = '\t' * (leading_spaces // 2)  # Each two spaces become one tab
        processed_lines.append(tabs + line.lstrip())
    # Combine lines 2 and 3 into line 2 with no extra space
    if len(processed_lines) > 2:
        processed_lines[1] = processed_lines[1].rstrip() + processed_lines[2].lstrip()
        del processed_lines[2]
    # Ensure last element is exactly '</cproject>' with no extra newlines or EOF
    processed_lines[-1] = '</cproject>'
    # Write back changes using CRLF and ensure no trailing newline
    with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as file:
if __name__ == "__main__":