2019-08-20 7:54 AM
I have been working with Stm32f0 series with keil IDE. But I would like to work with STM32F4 kits and improve my expertise, Keil MDK lite allows me to work with stm32f0 series only. Could some one recommend me any free open source IDE's which can help me develop and debug, load code on to discovery kits and they also should have the capability of Instruction trace macrocell, Watch points, breakpoints, etc.
I am looking for an IDE that i can use along with STM32CubeMX.
Can stm32cube IDE accomodate my requirements?
2019-08-20 8:33 AM
Not so many open source IDEs.
There is the ready-to-use GNU MCU Eclipse, and you can also use the open source version of Qt Creator with Bare Metal plugin, especially given that they have recently implemented CMSIS-SVD file support. Keep in mind that with Qt creator you'll have to create your own projects with your preferred build system, it doesn't support out-of-box STM32 development. I've found these Qbs templates very easy-to-use and fairly customizable, although unfortunately Qt decided to abandon Qbs development, but it still works and hopefully will work for a long time.
2019-08-20 9:53 PM
Hi @After Forever , Can STM32cube IDE be sufficient for my requirements?
2019-08-21 7:19 AM
Yes. Supports ITM, watchpoints and breakpoints. Works with CubeMX (integrated or stand-alone).
Eclipse-based, if you don't like Eclipse the list of possible IDEs is certainly narrowed...
TrueSTUDIO would also fit your requirements but is no longer further developed (CubeIDE replaces TrueSTUDIO).