2025-01-26 1:49 AM
Hello, i have a DapLink debugger and wanted to use it with stm32, i also am pretty new to stm32, so don't be mad when i mess up some terms. I don't want to buy an STLink yet since i wanna see if i am going to like stm32 debugging/programming. Some context:MCU:STM32H723ZGT6, debugger: DapLink Mini, OS:Ubuntu desktop 24.10.Also, yes i know that this board is overkill but i thought, go big or go home, if i am gonna try stm32 i better make it count.
2025-01-26 11:53 AM
so i set up the debugger like he did and got an error
2025-01-26 12:28 PM
I think, you have to give the path to arm--gdb - or install it .
package installer on Ubuntu...
if not there ->
I installed gdb-multiarch , + made symlink for gdb-arm-none-eabi -> gdb-multiarch
(otherwise i could not debug at all, because the stm-ide want some 12 y old libncurses.so.5.3 or so... i couldnt find.)
I am on new MXlinux.
2025-01-26 12:29 PM
i fixed that part but now i get
2025-01-26 12:31 PM
2025-01-26 12:52 PM
only root can.
> sudo -i
> apt install gdb-multiarch
> cd /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.17.0/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.12.3.rel1.linux64_1.1.0.202410170702/tools/bin # or wherever you installation is
> mv arm-none-eabi-gdb arm-none-eabi-gdb.bak
> ln -s /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch arm-none-eabi-gdb
2025-01-26 12:54 PM - edited 2025-01-26 12:57 PM
same issue
2025-01-26 1:02 PM - edited 2025-01-26 1:03 PM
hmmm... you did something wrong...or system still missing something. dont know.
2025-01-26 1:15 PM
openocd works just fine in terminal so it is definitely installed
2025-01-26 1:19 PM
turns out that in debug options or whatever it was called(it's pretty late now) the openocd command wasnt supposed to be in ""
2025-01-26 1:21 PM
hey - so it tries to connect now - right ?