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Cmsis-DAP debugger in STM32CubeIDE

Associate III

Hello, i have a DapLink debugger and wanted to use it with stm32, i also am pretty new to stm32, so don't be mad when i mess up some terms. I don't want to buy an STLink yet since i wanna see if i am going to like stm32 debugging/programming. Some context:MCU:STM32H723ZGT6, debugger: DapLink Mini, OS:Ubuntu desktop 24.10.Also, yes i know that this board is overkill but i thought, go big or go home, if i am gonna try stm32 i better make it count.

Associate III

so i set up the debugger like he did and got an error



I think, you have to give the path to arm--gdb - or install it .

package installer on Ubuntu...

if not there ->


I installed gdb-multiarch , + made symlink for gdb-arm-none-eabi -> gdb-multiarch

(otherwise i could not debug at all, because the stm-ide want some 12 y old or so... i couldnt find.)

I am on new MXlinux.

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i fixed that part but now i get





only root can.


> sudo -i

> apt install gdb-multiarch

> cd /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.17.0/plugins/ # or wherever you installation is

> mv arm-none-eabi-gdb arm-none-eabi-gdb.bak

> ln -s /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch arm-none-eabi-gdb

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same issue





openocd works just fine in terminal so it is definitely installed


turns out that in debug options or whatever it was called(it's pretty late now) the openocd command wasnt supposed to be in ""



hey - so it tries to connect now - right ?

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