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Changes in ioc file not updating the code.

Associate III

I am working on STM32F103 for a project with CAN. While working I set the CAN Test mode to Loopback in the ioc file, afterwards I set the test mode back to normal mode. but this change was not updated in the main.c file. In main.c file, the line in MX_CAN_Init(void) function still is as following.


hcan.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK;


 I cleaned the project and then again built the project, still it is same, I tried to change the test mode multiple times, but every time it asks if code should be generated and I select yes, still the code is not changing. Why is this happening?


CAN configuration:


Generated code


static void MX_CAN_Init(void)

  /* USER CODE BEGIN CAN_Init 0 */

  /* USER CODE END CAN_Init 0 */

  /* USER CODE BEGIN CAN_Init 1 */

  /* USER CODE END CAN_Init 1 */
  hcan.Instance = CAN1;
  hcan.Init.Prescaler = 16;
  hcan.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK;
  hcan.Init.SyncJumpWidth = CAN_SJW_1TQ;
  hcan.Init.TimeSeg1 = CAN_BS1_2TQ;
  hcan.Init.TimeSeg2 = CAN_BS2_1TQ;
  hcan.Init.TimeTriggeredMode = DISABLE;
  hcan.Init.AutoBusOff = DISABLE;
  hcan.Init.AutoWakeUp = DISABLE;
  hcan.Init.AutoRetransmission = DISABLE;
  hcan.Init.ReceiveFifoLocked = DISABLE;
  hcan.Init.TransmitFifoPriority = DISABLE;
  if (HAL_CAN_Init(&hcan) != HAL_OK)
  /* USER CODE BEGIN CAN_Init 2 */

  /* USER CODE END CAN_Init 2 */



Code Generator settings






@Gladson wrote:

 Is there anything else that I could have messed up? 

Have you (accidentally) messed with any of the USER CODE BEGIN and/or USER CODE END comments?

If they go wrong, then CubeMX might be thinking that its code is now within one of the USER sections - therefore won't update it ... ?

I tried after closing all the projects and files in CubeIDE, still not working,
I am using windows 10.

I checked for the USER CODE BEGIN and USER CODE END, All the USER CODE BEGIN does have a USER CODE END, I also checked the difference with git but I did not find any changes to those comments. Is there a better way to check this so I can be sure that I did not mess that up?


Could you please attach your project in a zip file?


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Associate III

I had similar problem, it turned out that package for my microcontroller was not installed. You usually get this information when creating new project but I have copied it from another PC and there was no message.

This was it in my case as well. One would think that the code generation process automatically detects that the firmware is missing, but it just results in silently not updating the code. The only hint is that the process is quitting "too fast" - and that nothing changes in the code.