2022-04-28 6:37 PM
I'm trying to copy a project in cube IDE, version 1.9.0 windows
Very new to using stm32cubeIDE and Eclipse. So I'm hoping I've missed something fundamental, tried a couple of things but no success.
I'm wanting to copy an example that st provide (BLE_p2pServer), but I dont' think that should change the process.
Method 1 - using stm32cubeIDE
1) in IDE I right click on project and copy.
2) I then paste the project (in dialog I rename the project name and use default location).
3) I get error dialog "internal error: null request:"
4) project is only partially copied, the includes look done. But the application folder structure is there but no content.
5) no other folders are copied over :(
6) on my source project if I go to application/user/Core I cannot copy and paste a file from the source project to the new project. I can copy but paste option is not available.
that didn't work.
Method 2 - Export From stm32cubeIDE
1) I select the source project and right click, select export...
2) in export dialog I select General/FileSystem
3) I export to desktop
4) right click in the project explorer and import
5) select import from "projects from folder or Archive", then select the desktop folder that I just exported.
6) Wont' let me import because the project has the same name
7) I rename the folder and now can import, but once i import the project explorer doesn't show anything :(
8) restarted stm32cubeIDE, in project explorer (in ide) I right click and refresh, still nothing
9) try importing this time didn't go with the default and checked the option "add project to working sets", no joy
Method 3 - Manual Method
1) in windows explorer, I copy the source project, rename the folder and rename the .ioc file
2) in IDE I got file/Import project from file system or archive. Select the folder that I just created
3) I have two options the newFolder and the newFolder\STM32CubeIDE. Selected "newFolder\STM32CubeIDE" but nothing happened, so selected newFolder
4) that worked, but the newFolder/project has a different icon for the project and I cannot build it.
Method 4 - Import BLE_p2pServer stm32 example with a different name
1) couldn't find an option to do this :(
I cannot see any other options. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Keen to learn what I need to to solve this. And it might just be my uneducated IDE knowledge.
2022-04-28 9:13 PM
This is a very common question, and unfortunately the answer is that it's not that straightforward, but there are several methods that work.
Insight by ST here:
Oh so many duplicates with answers within:
2022-04-28 10:44 PM
Thanks for that TDK, much appreciated.
some of those I had missed and reading them the solution that worked for me was:
And the post was by Pavel A, on the February 18, 2020 at 5:05 PM.
I also changed the .cproject file and replaced the old project name to the new one but not sure that this mattered. And seemed to build fine without it.