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I want to make a new STM32 Cube IDE project that is a clone or copy and existing project . What is the BEST and EASIEST way to do this ?

Associate II
ST Employee


I would suggest creating a new workspace in the version of CubeIDE you want to use. Copy the project to that workspace and then launch CubeIDE and go to File -> Import... -> General -> Existing projects into workspace.

Let me know if anything is unclear of if it doesn't work the way you hoped it would!

Associate II

Hi Markus ,. Thank you . You use the term " new workspace" . I an not sure what you mean . Do you man a new project ? How do you create a "New Workspace " There need to be detailed information added to "Help " to address this topic .

Associate II

Hi Markus .

I think this is what you mean

  1. Create a new project folder in the default STM 32 CUBE IDE workspace folder ( see below ) on the disk drive and give it a new name
  2. Copy the project you want to copy or clone to the new folder created in 1 above
  3. Launch STM 32 CUBE IDE
  4. Go to File ->Import->General -> Existing projects into workspace and import the copy of the project made above into STM Cube IDE

Note you will ned to locate there the STM 32 Cube IDE workspace folder is on the disk . This where it is in my case . C:\Users\user\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.6.0

Is it correct?

Associate II

Hi Markus

The .ioc file is not renamed when the project is imported . It still has the original projects name . I guess I need to close STM 32 IDE CUBE and change the .ioc file name in the project folder on the disk to have the same name as the new project . ST really need to address this issue . Please add a DETAILED STEP BY STEP procedure how to clone /copy projects basically . This is a use case for a lot of users I expect .