2024-09-29 12:23 AM
- I am new to the STM32 software suite
- I have a (professional) project to develop with fast analog acquisitions that also involves a dialogue with a computer via a simple USB cable.
- I am evaluating an Olimex model STM32-H107 board on which is mounted an STM32F107VCT6 chip
- I have installed the STM32CubeIDE software
- FreeRTOS has been activated and a test task has been automatically generated
- An empty program now compiles without errors and the files to be downloaded to the chip should now be on the computer.
- The chip on the board is connected to my computer via a simple USB cable
- --> The computer does not beep when connecting the USB cable (although STM32CubeIDE is installed)
- I tried the "Run-run" function on STM32CubeIDE to send the program to the chip but I get an error message "No ST-LINK detected! Please connect ST-LINK and restart debug session."
- I then installed the STM32CubeProgrammer software to try to program the chip. I tried on the right of the "Usb - Connect" buttons but without success either. I get the error "Error: Establishing connection with device failed"
- I then installed STM Link Utility, STSW-LINK004. I tried "Target - Connect" but I get the error: "No ST-LINK detected"
In short, I can't connect to my chip via USB, in any way.
Here are my questions
1) It is not clear anywhere on your site whether I need to acquire the special "ST-LINK" cable or not ? This, in order to program the chip through your software suite (Please NOTE : I don't need the debugger - I just need to program the chip)
2) Subsequently, I would need to communicate from my PC to the chip anyway and this, with a simple cable.
- Do I need to install special software on the chip to do this? or is the basic USB on-chip function sufficient?
- Are there ready-made PC-side drivers from you (or elsewhere) allowing me to communicate with your chips with an ordinary cable (without any special ST cable) for communicating with my future application.
I have exhausted everything, I can't find any clear information on this subject on the Internet. I can't find any Windows drivers there either to communicate with my card.
Thanks for your answers.
MDe / Belgium
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-09-29 5:50 AM
Sure, IDE always expects the debug connection. ST-link or J-link - but nothing is ... no debug possible.
So what should it do ? Tell you : connect a debug probe to do debug ? :)
You just can compile -> then load flash with CubeProgrammer -> dfu bootloader .
If you buy a 2 $ st-link V2 stick - first look at comments: real stm chip inside, working with stm IDE - or not.
Then dont buy this - it will not work with IDE. Buy another...
or good and safe: buy a st-link V3 , from mouser or so. Just 10 $ , for a miniE - and it works. ;)
2024-09-29 12:56 AM - edited 2024-09-29 1:04 AM
1. STM32F107VC has USB dfu bootloader - so you can flash without st-link debug probe.
2. set boot0 hi , to start bootloader (+ power-up/reset to start bootloader)
3. forget STM Link Utility , its old , deprecated. Use CubeProgrammer (only).
4. now you should "see" the new device on USB : check (in device manager - or whatever its called in Win )
5. start connection in usb/dfu mode then ->
+ show, what Programmer telling then.
2024-09-29 2:36 AM
Hello Ascha.3,
Thanks for your quick reply.
Thank you for telling me that an ST-Link debug probe is not necessary, that's what I thought.
Thank you also for telling me that ST LINK Utility is useless.
I just did what you said:
- Set the BOOT0 signal of the STF32F107 component to High using the jumper on my board.
- Reconnected this board to the USB of my PC. A LED is lighting meaning the board is powered up but I still don't hear any connection beep when I insert the USB cable into a USB slot on my PC (this slot is working with other devices)
- Started STM32Programmer, chosed "USB" click on "Connect" but still nothing happens, I get the error message "Error: Establishing connection with device failed", screenshot attached.
Can you help ?
MDe / Belgium
2024-09-29 2:59 AM
>Can you help ?
no. :)
Just - your PC has to "see" the new USB device - otherwise nothing will happen.
So try other plug, cable - until you see it (in device manager ) or get ding-dong...
+ set jumpers boot0 hi , boot1 lo.
is you clock /crystal on board:
check it.
+ read AN2606 ...
2024-09-29 4:43 AM
Hello again,
Thanks for your last message.
Now it works !
CubeProgrammer has managed to connect to the chip.
I had in fact, by mistake, raised to 1 the wrong pin of the component (Boot1 instead of Boot0)
I tried to do a "Run - run" in CubeIDE to try to download my program by this way but there, it still does not work. I receive the error message "No ST-LINK detected! Please connect ST-LINK and restart debug session."
But maybe with CubeIDE we need the special ST-Link cable? In order to be able to debug? Can you explain to me?
Thank you,
Best regards,
MDe / Belgium
2024-09-29 5:50 AM
Sure, IDE always expects the debug connection. ST-link or J-link - but nothing is ... no debug possible.
So what should it do ? Tell you : connect a debug probe to do debug ? :)
You just can compile -> then load flash with CubeProgrammer -> dfu bootloader .
If you buy a 2 $ st-link V2 stick - first look at comments: real stm chip inside, working with stm IDE - or not.
Then dont buy this - it will not work with IDE. Buy another...
or good and safe: buy a st-link V3 , from mouser or so. Just 10 $ , for a miniE - and it works. ;)