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After successfully added a second project to the workspace as static st32 library, I would like to know ho consume this library from the main project. From Path and Symbols I added the library ${workspace_loc:/ModuleA/Debug/libModuleA.a}.

Associate III

What else should I do to let my project see header files? Is it correct to add an include path such

C:\Progetti\STM_Projects\ModuleA\Base. But I would like that it sees all the files and possible without an absolute path? What is the correct syntax?

Best Regards

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Proper way to add an archve (.a file) is the following according to me (please note ':' char is added prior library file)

0693W00000AN3q6QAD.jpgThen if you want to prevent some compiler warning rely on include path to point to related .h repository