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Adding folders to Include Directories are showing up empty. How do I fix this?

Associate II

Trying to get started with a Nucleo board and STM32CubeIDE. I added directories via Paths and Symbols under Includes, however, the folders/directories (STM32C0xx Include, CMSIS Include, HAL Driver Inc) show as empty in the IDE. How can I fix this?


Principal III

With Paths you can add any folder(s), those are not neccessarily project folders. Just info for the compiler/linker command line.

Where is the project/folder structure from?

If you start with a new STM32 project using STM32CubeMX, you should get a clean project and folder tree.



I would like to see the .h files that are in the STM32C0xx/Include folder listed in the IDE. Currently, it is showing as an empty folder.

If you mean the item "Test/Inc" under Includes - it doesn't expand likely because of Eclipse bug. I've tried several variants but could not make it expand. Just another bug, not a big deal.

The files should be visible under the 3rd folder, "Inc".

Of course you can fix this if you are motivated enough. Eclipse is open source.


About the items "Test/Inc" under Includes, It can not be expanded until that folder is added to the include paths from the "Proprieties/C/C++ Build/MCU GCC Compiler/Include paths"

Kind regards,


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Pavel, I think it is as you say; it is likely an eclipse bug.

Thank you.