2022-06-30 2:15 AM
Dear STM32 MPU Community,
We are please to announce that New MP1 Ecosystem V4.0.0 is available.
It contains :
Please check out the STM32_MPU_ecosystem_release_note_-_v4.0.0 on STM32 Wiki to get complete description of content and new features.
*** Main NEW features of the STM32MP1-ecosystem-v4.0.0 release ***
Of course, the Wiki for previous ecosystems are still available :
Hope you will enjoy this new release.
In case any questions, issues .. this Community is made for you !
2022-07-09 4:59 AM
Hi, how can I submit an issue with the meta-st-stm32mp-addons? When I tried to migrate to the 4.0 version, I noticed that the flash file is not generated. This is because the machine configuration in the meta-st-stm32mp-addons is not modified for Kirkstone variables. For example the stm32mp15-disco-mx.conf.sample defines DEVICE_BOARD_ENABLE_SDCARD but the syntax used in st-machine-storage-device-stm32mp.inc and st-machine-flashlayout-stm32mp.inc uses the DEVICE_BOARD_ENABLE:SDCARD. There are more variables that are using the underscore instead of a colon. When I replaced "all" of them the flash file is generated. Is this an issue or am I doing something wrong?
Best regards,
2022-07-12 2:00 AM
Hi @Tom�? Ju?ena ,
Thanks for your comment.
This community is the right place to report such issue, the best is to create a new post.
I will have a look and escalate this issue.
2022-07-19 7:40 AM
Hi, i have a big project in v3 ecosystem (i use STM32CubeIDE), but i wanna use new features. How i can migrate a safety way? Just I started using the latest version of STM32CubeIDE, but I don't have the option to upgrade to the new kernel version and tf-a
2022-08-04 1:02 AM
Wouldn't it be easier to tag all wiki pages with the ecosystem version?
Because now, the links in various topics might point to older ecosystem releases where pages have changed, removed etc?
2022-08-04 2:03 AM
Hello @milkylainen ,
Thank for your comment. I agree with you and I already made the request in intern to at least find a way to have the links that stay coherent in the long run.
Currently, all the links shared previously in the community posts are no more relevant after the migration because https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/Main_Page always send to the latest wiki.
To avoid this problem, we must find a way to have a permanent link also for the current wiki version.
I will keep you inform when I have some news.
2022-09-21 10:16 PM
Modify, rebuild and reload the Linux® kernel - stm32mpu
Apply ST patches:
Incorrect: cd linux-stm32mp-5.15.24-stm32mp1-r1-r0
Correct: cd linux-5.15.24
2022-09-22 1:10 AM
Hello @stomo.1 ,
Thank you, I am doing the update and the change will be visible after validation.
Best Regards,