2023-04-27 9:10 PM
I want the cortex-m4 to do
So, I write simple code to do PWM and find out the RCC in stm32cubeIDE not work because linux take control the clock config.
My question is, What is the best way to configure clock In my situation.
Is it better to modify clock on linux command? or would it better to modity it in device tree?
and where can I find the manual to modify it on devicetree?
2023-04-28 3:12 AM
Hi @MJo.3
wiki is a large source of informations
you could start with
then also read
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2023-05-08 10:39 PM
I read the link and find out the clock can't be configured on M4 using cubeIDE while I'm using product mode(pin 1,2 are on). If it's not right, please reply it.