2020-11-25 11:21 AM
I Installed the Development on my host machine and builded a Kernel with this tutorial:
but afther the reboot my scren keeps beeing black.
I updated the kernel because the development tool has a newer kernel and i wanted to make a kernel module so i wanted to update.
2020-11-26 12:32 AM
I might help if you add debug UART logging output.
2020-11-26 12:57 AM
Hi @SAman.1
Please precise version of Kernel, tf-a, U-boot you are using.
Pay attention that you might use a consistent OSTL version ( eg V1.2 or V2.0 or V2.1 )
2020-11-26 2:59 AM
@Community member My old Kernel was on version 4.19.9 and i wanted to update to 5.4.56. On my board i only installed the started package so my YOCTO was running. beside that i have no changes on my system.
2020-11-26 3:20 AM
Hi @SAman.1
You can't update only kernel to 5.4.56. You need to take also TF-A / Uboot version from V2.1.
2020-11-27 3:43 AM
@Community member
Thanks for all your help!!