2022-07-28 3:17 AM
We want to develop bare metal application for Stm32mp157A processor. So we need the DDR initialization Source code in bare metal for Stm32mp157A processor. Can you help us in this.
2022-07-28 4:49 AM
HI @Sindhu Vadde ,
ST did not have any bare-metal delivery for STM32MP15x.
You could check with existing DYI, 3rd party or partners.
If you are willing to do it by yourself, TF-A source code might be a good start point.
TF-A mostly uses information from a DDR file generated by CubeMX https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/DDRCTRL_and_DDRPHYC_device_tree_configuration#Simple_example
2022-07-28 5:35 AM
You could also look at u-boot source code
2022-07-28 10:13 PM
Thanks for the reply.
We gone through Uboot source Code. We found DDR_init Code. But we are unable to extract it. when we are trying to extract the source we got lot of errors.
2022-07-29 1:10 AM
2022-07-29 2:21 AM
Thanks for the reply.
Which tool you are using for building and compiling this code?
2022-07-29 2:25 AM
arm-none-eabi-gcc last version,,,, Make. Check /build/stm32mp157axx of prolect for makefile and link scripts, /tools for sources of used tools and gnu-mcu-eclipse-build-tools-2.11-20180428-1604-win64.zip