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STM32MP153 - How to enable HSI clock?

Dat Tran
Senior II

Hi, I set MCO1 using HSE clock and get 8MHz working well (my HSE is 8MHz)

But I need 16MHz or higher on MCO1, so I changed to MCO1 source clock by HSI but there is nothing.

I tested other CSI, HSE, ... MCO1 work, except for HSI.

I think there is something or register to enable HSI but don't know where/ what it is

Anyone know how to enable HSI clock?





ST Employee

Hi @Dat Tran 

System is booting using HSI, so unless you disabled it, it is enabled by default.

Did you try adding a divider by 4 (MCO1DIV = 3) and updating the MCO1 GPIO OSPEEDR to 0b01  ? Maybe the 64MHz is simply vanished on the output pin because too fast.


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