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STM32MP1 EMMC booting issue in U-boot.

Navaneeth kumar
Associate III

we are working on STM32MP1 in UBOOT 2018 version .

we are trying to access the EMMC from UBOOT by using following commands in the below link

EMMC is device detecting, but while writing image into EMMC device is getting hanged.

so we are unable to write image into EMMC.

Please help us in this regards.


Is this a custom board?

Is there a mismatch between the image size and the eMMC capacity?

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Hi ,

thanks for the reply.

yes, we are using stm32mp157a processor in my custom board. EMMC capacity is 8bit and image size is fine.

ST Employee

Hi @Navaneeth kumar​ 

The link you provided is for NXP product, not sure it will work very same for STM32MP1.

What about using CubeProgrammer ? Any messages ?


Populating eMMC is very similar than SD-Card, just use relevant flashlayout file.

See also



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