2022-05-03 12:48 AM
I want to perform the SSP process as detailed at:
(I also went over the STM32_prog documents)
I am now trying to program my HSMv2 card and I don't understand which file I need to provide in "Personalization data file"
(Trusted Package Creator - HSM Tab)
There are 2 options:
I don't understand which one I need to pick
my MPU is "STM32MP157CAB3" (Rev Z)
is it 5000300 because of the "3" after the "CAB" ?
The "5000" part I understand, I can see this value in the DFU device info
The "200" vs "300" I don't understand
According to the Docs, I need to know the product ID of my MPU
And they suggest using "STM32_Programmer_CLI –c port=swd –gc "certificate.bin"" to find out this value
but this command is failing:
"an error occurred while uploading data from the virtual partition 0xF1"
Another thing I don't quite fully understand is the value of "Firmware identifier" field in the HSM tab
Is it any string I want ?
The example images show "SSP_MPU"
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-05-05 4:40 AM
Hi MVass.1 (Community Member)
I followed the same step as you and I understand this is confusing. I've asked to make the changes for the next release of the document as it is taken from the UM2238 document, originally designed for STM32 MCUs .
The correct procedure to generate the certificate from the command STM32_Programmer_CLI is not correctly described for MPU, in either document AN5510 or UM2238.
To get the product ID of your MPU part, you need first to generate the tfa-ssp file from an OpenSTLinux development package, following this step:
Then, for instance using a STM32MP15-EV1, put the board in DFU mode and run a similar script below:
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -d tf-a-ssp-stm32mp157f-ev1-trusted.stm32 0x01 -s
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -gc "MP15_CERT.bin"
SB speed : High Speed (480MBit/s)
Manuf. ID : STMicroelectronics
Product ID : DFU in HS Mode @Device ID /0x500, @Revision ID /0x0000
SN : 002C00453438511836383238
FW version : 0x0110
Board : --
Device ID : 0x0500
Device name : STM32MP1
Device type : MPU
Revision ID : --
Device CPU : Cortex-A7
Certificate File : MP15_CERT.bin
Requesting Chip Certificate...
Get Certificate done successfully
Writing data to file MP15_CERT.bin
Writing chip certificate to file MP15_CERT.bin finished successfully
Time elapsed during the getcertificate operation is: 00:00:00.011
then if you open the MP15_CERT.bin (using xxd for instance)
$ xxd MP15_CERT.bin
00000000: 3530 3030 3230 3041 2ce9 0432 c67e bac5 5000200A,..2.~..
You see which personalisation data file to choose in Trusted Package Creator.
Regarding the Firmware ID field, this is just some personalized data so any string of 15 char max.
2022-05-05 4:40 AM
Hi MVass.1 (Community Member)
I followed the same step as you and I understand this is confusing. I've asked to make the changes for the next release of the document as it is taken from the UM2238 document, originally designed for STM32 MCUs .
The correct procedure to generate the certificate from the command STM32_Programmer_CLI is not correctly described for MPU, in either document AN5510 or UM2238.
To get the product ID of your MPU part, you need first to generate the tfa-ssp file from an OpenSTLinux development package, following this step:
Then, for instance using a STM32MP15-EV1, put the board in DFU mode and run a similar script below:
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -d tf-a-ssp-stm32mp157f-ev1-trusted.stm32 0x01 -s
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -gc "MP15_CERT.bin"
SB speed : High Speed (480MBit/s)
Manuf. ID : STMicroelectronics
Product ID : DFU in HS Mode @Device ID /0x500, @Revision ID /0x0000
SN : 002C00453438511836383238
FW version : 0x0110
Board : --
Device ID : 0x0500
Device name : STM32MP1
Device type : MPU
Revision ID : --
Device CPU : Cortex-A7
Certificate File : MP15_CERT.bin
Requesting Chip Certificate...
Get Certificate done successfully
Writing data to file MP15_CERT.bin
Writing chip certificate to file MP15_CERT.bin finished successfully
Time elapsed during the getcertificate operation is: 00:00:00.011
then if you open the MP15_CERT.bin (using xxd for instance)
$ xxd MP15_CERT.bin
00000000: 3530 3030 3230 3041 2ce9 0432 c67e bac5 5000200A,..2.~..
You see which personalisation data file to choose in Trusted Package Creator.
Regarding the Firmware ID field, this is just some personalized data so any string of 15 char max.
2022-05-08 6:08 AM
Thanks @OlivierK
This method worked
(although I had to do the "-d tf-a-ssp-stm32mp157f-ev1-trusted.stm32 0x01 -s" command twice in a row for the "-gc" command to work)
Is this really the expected way to determine which file needs to be used ? there must be a simpler method.
I did this on 3 boards:
our production board (stm32mp157c rev Z)
All were 5000200, so I wonder who needs "5000300"