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ST-HSMv2 programming - personalization data & fw id

Associate II


I want to perform the SSP process as detailed at:

(I also went over the STM32_prog documents)

I am now trying to program my HSMv2 card and I don't understand which file I need to provide in "Personalization data file"

(Trusted Package Creator - HSM Tab)

There are 2 options:

  • STM32MP1_5000200A_SSP_01000000_00000000.enc.bin
  • STM32MP1_5000300A_SSP_01000000_00000000.enc.bin

I don't understand which one I need to pick

my MPU is "STM32MP157CAB3" (Rev Z)

is it 5000300 because of the "3" after the "CAB" ?

The "5000" part I understand, I can see this value in the DFU device info

The "200" vs "300" I don't understand

According to the Docs, I need to know the product ID of my MPU

And they suggest using "STM32_Programmer_CLI –c port=swd –gc "certificate.bin"" to find out this value

but this command is failing:

"an error occurred while uploading data from the virtual partition 0xF1"

Another thing I don't quite fully understand is the value of "Firmware identifier" field in the HSM tab

Is it any string I want ?

The example images show "SSP_MPU"




Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hi MVass.1 (Community Member) 

I followed the same step as you and I understand this is confusing. I've asked to make the changes for the next release of the document as it is taken from the UM2238 document, originally designed for STM32 MCUs .

The correct procedure to generate the certificate from the command STM32_Programmer_CLI is not correctly described for MPU, in either document AN5510 or UM2238.

To get the product ID of your MPU part, you need first to generate the tfa-ssp file from an OpenSTLinux development package, following this step:

Then, for instance using a STM32MP15-EV1, put the board in DFU mode and run a similar script below:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -d tf-a-ssp-stm32mp157f-ev1-trusted.stm32 0x01 -s

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -gc "MP15_CERT.bin"

SB speed  : High Speed (480MBit/s)

Manuf. ID  : STMicroelectronics

Product ID : DFU in HS Mode @Device ID /0x500, @Revision ID /0x0000

SN     : 002C00453438511836383238

FW version : 0x0110

Board    : --

Device ID  : 0x0500

Device name : STM32MP1

Device type : MPU

Revision ID : --  

Device CPU : Cortex-A7

 Certificate File     : MP15_CERT.bin

Requesting Chip Certificate...

Get Certificate done successfully

Writing data to file MP15_CERT.bin

Writing chip certificate to file MP15_CERT.bin finished successfully

Time elapsed during the getcertificate operation is: 00:00:00.011

then if you open the MP15_CERT.bin (using xxd for instance)

$ xxd MP15_CERT.bin 

00000000: 3530 3030 3230 3041 2ce9 0432 c67e bac5 5000200A,..2.~..

You see which personalisation data file to choose in Trusted Package Creator.

  • STM32MP1_5000200A_SSP_01000000_00000000.enc.bin
  • STM32MP1_5000300A_SSP_01000000_00000000.enc.bin

Regarding the Firmware ID field, this is just some personalized data so any string of 15 char max.



View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hi MVass.1 (Community Member) 

I followed the same step as you and I understand this is confusing. I've asked to make the changes for the next release of the document as it is taken from the UM2238 document, originally designed for STM32 MCUs .

The correct procedure to generate the certificate from the command STM32_Programmer_CLI is not correctly described for MPU, in either document AN5510 or UM2238.

To get the product ID of your MPU part, you need first to generate the tfa-ssp file from an OpenSTLinux development package, following this step:

Then, for instance using a STM32MP15-EV1, put the board in DFU mode and run a similar script below:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -d tf-a-ssp-stm32mp157f-ev1-trusted.stm32 0x01 -s

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -gc "MP15_CERT.bin"

SB speed  : High Speed (480MBit/s)

Manuf. ID  : STMicroelectronics

Product ID : DFU in HS Mode @Device ID /0x500, @Revision ID /0x0000

SN     : 002C00453438511836383238

FW version : 0x0110

Board    : --

Device ID  : 0x0500

Device name : STM32MP1

Device type : MPU

Revision ID : --  

Device CPU : Cortex-A7

 Certificate File     : MP15_CERT.bin

Requesting Chip Certificate...

Get Certificate done successfully

Writing data to file MP15_CERT.bin

Writing chip certificate to file MP15_CERT.bin finished successfully

Time elapsed during the getcertificate operation is: 00:00:00.011

then if you open the MP15_CERT.bin (using xxd for instance)

$ xxd MP15_CERT.bin 

00000000: 3530 3030 3230 3041 2ce9 0432 c67e bac5 5000200A,..2.~..

You see which personalisation data file to choose in Trusted Package Creator.

  • STM32MP1_5000200A_SSP_01000000_00000000.enc.bin
  • STM32MP1_5000300A_SSP_01000000_00000000.enc.bin

Regarding the Firmware ID field, this is just some personalized data so any string of 15 char max.



Thanks @OlivierK​ 

This method worked

(although I had to do the "-d tf-a-ssp-stm32mp157f-ev1-trusted.stm32 0x01 -s" command twice in a row for the "-gc" command to work)

Is this really the expected way to determine which file needs to be used ? there must be a simpler method.


I did this on 3 boards:



our production board (stm32mp157c rev Z)

All were 5000200, so I wonder who needs "5000300"

