2023-11-20 5:56 PM
I am trying to setup the developer package on my system and had an issue with the following line when going through the README.HOW_TO.txt file in the developer package:
$ make ARCH=arm O="${OUTPUT_BUILD_DIR}" multi_v7_defconfig fragment*.config
make: *** No rule to make target 'multi_v7_defconfig'. Stop.
For context, it had me do the following to prepare the kernel source (to apply the patches to the kernal source directory, ~/STM32MPU-Ecosystem-v5.0.0/Developer-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mp1-v23.06.21/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi/linux-stm32mp-6.1.28-stm32mp-r1-r0:(
tar xf linux-6.1.28.tar.xz
cd linux-6.1.28
for p in `ls -1 ../*.patch`; do patch -p1 < $p; done
This had no issues and had me move on to section 5 which had me run the following from the same folder (~/STM32MPU-Ecosystem-v5.0.0/Developer-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mp1-v23.06.21/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi/linux-stm32mp-6.1.28-stm32mp-r1-r0, maybe that is the source of the issue? I assumed that is the "directory to kernel source code" as it specified that in a previous section):
cd <directory to kernel source code>
export OUTPUT_BUILD_DIR=$PWD/../build
mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_BUILD_DIR}
make ARCH=arm O="${OUTPUT_BUILD_DIR}" multi_v7_defconfig fragment*.config
I can see the "build" folder in "~/STM32MPU-Ecosystem-v5.0.0/Developer-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mp1-v23.06.21/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi", which is where I assume it wanted it (I could be wrong).
Unfortunately, when running the last line, I got the following error (as mentioned above):
make: *** No rule to make target 'multi_v7_defconfig'. Stop.
I went searching for the file it was referring to and I could find it in ~/STM32MPU-Ecosystem-v5.0.0/Developer-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mp1-v23.06.21/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi/linux-stm32mp-6.1.28-stm32mp-r1-r0/linux-6.1.28/arch/arm/configs.
I've been very careful to go through each step and make sure I don't miss anything and the only thing I can think of is I'm running this from the wrong folder or there was an issue with the files used or it's missing something from the patch process in section 4 of the readme guide?
I've been poking at it for a while and figured I'd see if anyone else had any ideas. Thanks!
2023-11-20 11:46 PM
Hello @JayDev ,
Like this, I do not see something special. Maybe few things to double check :
Kind regards,
2023-11-21 5:21 PM
Thanks for the info, @Erwan SZYMANSKI !
Looks like you found the issue. I had been checking in the:
folder, which section 3 of the readme referred to as the "kernel source directory" (From the readme file: "In the kernel source directory (sources/*/linux-stm32mp-6.1.28-stm32mp-r1-r0)",.
From your post, I should have a different folder structure, which is actually what I have in:
It does look like the $CC is giving me the correct output in this shell but if I open it in another window, it doesn't return anything. So it appears I'll need to redo the following line every time?
source /home/local/DEVNET/jay/STM32MPU-Ecosystem-v5.0.0/Developer-Package/SDK/environment-setup-cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-ostl-linux-gnueabi
Thanks again for the quick reply!