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devmem2 not working.I have installed devmem2 in my development board to read the peripheral registers however the command is not working /dev/mem opened however it is showing Error at line 75, file devmem2.c (1) [Operation not permitted]

Associate III
ST Employee

However if you can move to openstlinux v3.0 it will likely solve your issue.

Will try that

we are working on a sip based on stm32mp157c ,we are using a sdk for building the kernel for a developer package the sdk only supports v2.0

is there an sdk that supports v3.0??

the problem.was with the internet connectivity fixed it and installed devmem2 now its working fine

Thank you for your help

Hi OliverK

Is there a way to establish communication with the coprocessor in the stm32mp157c

ST Employee

Hi KS.2 (Community Member)

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For the coprocessor topic this is where to start: