2023-03-30 12:59 PM
I am an embedded Android developer working on eval board STM32MP157f-EV1 ,we started to design a custom hardware based on it .
So I downloaded the st-android-11.0.0-2021-01-29 android soft , and flashed the board as mentionned on the wiki hwo to android , the switches are configured to boot from emmc , the startup of android system is ok but without screen , the dispaly is white , the tactil working fine i can see by the logcat all the services are fine even the ST laucher com.stmicroelectronics.stlauncher.
Any help please ? , i tried to build locally a soft , flashed to sdcard but i faced the same problem on the dispaly .
I attached the full log here
2023-03-30 1:13 PM
Hello ,
The data sheet and documentation all are verified ,
Also the problem does appear only with software android , booting on yocto software ,the display panel is working as expected .