2023-07-12 5:43 AM
1、Part Number:STM32MP135FAE7
2、tzc_it_handler:72 TZC permission failure
4、We designed a STM32MP135 based SOM, using the ST I2C PMIC, STPMIC1D,1GiB DDR3L。
5、At present, after the modification of TF-A,OP-TEE device tree, TZC panic occurred when downloading, now check U-boot device tree, I do not know where to find the cause.
6、Attached is the log printed by uart4 debug
2023-08-02 2:30 AM
It seems that the problem comes from a configuration issue. The region is configured as secure, as can be seen here :
D/TC:0 0 tzc_dump_state:476 region_base: 0x00000000fe200000
D/TC:0 0 tzc_dump_state:479 region_top: 0x00000000ffffffff
D/TC:0 0 tzc_dump_state:481 secure rw: TZC_REGION_S_RDWR
You need to check the TF-A dt to make sure there are no configuration issue.
Normally, you should look at this part:
st-mem-firewall {
compatible = "st,mem-firewall";
memory-ranges = <
0xc0000000 0x20000000 TZC_REGION_S_RDWR 0>;