2025-03-18 3:37 PM
We have a custom stm32mp25 board. On Mickledore we were able to create a/b partitions in our machine conf doing the following:
PARTITIONS_IMAGES += "tc-appfs-a tc-appfs-b"
STM32MP_TCFS_IMAGE ?= "ti-tc-appfs"
STM32MP_TCFS_LABEL_A ?= "tc-appfs-a"
STM32MP_TCFS_LABEL_B ?= "tc-appfs-b"
# Proposed value for tc-appfs is 150MB
STM32MP_TCFS_SIZE ?= "153600"
PARTITIONS_LIST += "tc-appfs-a tc-appfs-b"
However, in scarthgap this no longer works. We are getting the following error:
Cannot generate FlashLayout_emmc_stm32mp257f-m670-optee.tsv file: the ti-tc-appfs-ti-linux-stm32mp25-m670.tc-appfs-a.ext4 binary for tc-appfs-a partition is missing in deploy folder.
What we observe is that the relevant file is being renamed as
Is this a bug, or do we need to proceed in a different way when using scarthgap.
P.S I have seen mentioned an meta-st-ota layer on the board. I have, however, been unable to find it. So if someone could point out it's location I would be grateful.
2025-03-19 2:20 AM
Hello @BGurnett,
So, according to your logs, it seems a "fs" suffix is appent to the filename.
In st-machine-image-partition-stm32mp.inc, It seems the generated filename doesn't contain the "fs" suffix:
bin_name = items[0] + bin_suffix + '.' + items[1] + '.' + fstype
Where bin_suffix = '-${DISTRO}-${MACHINE}'
Nevertheless, the image filename has change between Mickledore and Scrathgap, here is an example for bootfs partition:
Mickledore: st-image-bootfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp2.ext4
Scrathgap: st-image-bootfs-openstlinux-weston-stm32mp2.bootfs.ext4
Is "fs" suffix added on all your partitions ? Or only ext4 ones ?
PS: I asked to give you the permission to access to meta-st-ota.
2025-03-19 2:36 AM
The addition of fs, and the change of the image name seems to occur on all partitions and all files (manifest, spdx etc), with the exception of tar.xz which keeps the original name, but no link is generated for it when trying to make A/B partitions.