2023-10-30 12:09 AM
I'm using STM32MP135f-dk, I'm having trouble installing keras: this is the output
2023-11-03 1:37 AM
From the output you provide, I guess you try to install your python libraries with the command pip3 install <library>.
However, the error «Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program» shows the process needs an installed toochain to build your component. We do not provide such a toolchain (gcc, g++, etc) on the Starter Package.
To build your library, you need to use the Distribution Package and create a yocto recipe. If you are not familiar with Yocto and Distribution Package, please take a look at the following article: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32MP1_Distribution_Package
To create python3 yocto recipe, you can install on your host machine the utility tool pipoe and use it to create your recipe.
Best regards