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Migrating from STM32MPU DK board to custom hardware

Associate III

I need to migrate my project from STM32MP135F-DK board to custom hardware (SoM based on STM23MP135DAF7). To build images I use Yocto Project (Scarthgap) with meta-st-stm32 layer.

As a begginer in device trees and BSPs world, I would like to get some review from more experienced developers, to ensure that the path and procedure I have chosen to follow is correct.

I found bring-up guide on FAQ: STM32MP1 Bring-up 
Is this the most detailed and up-to-date guide I can find?

According to that FAQ, the modification I have to make is tailoring device trees (for TF-A, Uboot, kernel) to my custom hardware. Is there a requirement to develop custom BSP for this hardware or the BSP stays the same (STM32MP135F-DK BSP, I guess it is the meta-st-stm32 layer)?

I've also found this FAQ: How to create DT adapted to your design 
there is also link to LAB in which creating CubeMX project for some DK boards is presented. This lab is adapted to Ecosystem 5.0, are there any examples for 6.0? Or are there significat changes to consider?

Can you suggest any other knowledge source to follow to achive this migration from DK to my custom hardware?