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ZbZclTempMeasServerAlloc() crashes

Associate II

Hello everybody,

I started to use ZigBee stack v1.14.0 and ran into an issue of adding temperature measurement server cluster (and also other clusters having reportable attributes).

Our system has many running activities so for the first time I thought that crash can be caused by some other function e.g. having buffer overrun. But after some investigation found an option of reproducing the same issue with Custom Long String Cluster Client Router example.

What I did is added ZbZclTempMeasServerAlloc() call and changed floating-point unit ABI to Soft in project settings. Note that in end-product the crash can be reproduced with any hard or soft option.

So currently I assume that the issue nature is some kind of buffer overrun happening somewhere in STM32 IPPC library part or in some wrapper I copy-pasted from the sample mentioned above.

Modified app_zigbee.c file is attached.

Could anyone check the issue with adding cluster having reportable attributes and confirm or disprove my hypothesis?

Is it possible to obtain the stm32wb_zigbee_wb_lib.a source code so I can do a check of what is going inside ZbZclTempMeasServerAlloc() and debug it on my side?

Thanks a lot.

0693W00000SujJCQAZ.png 0693W00000SujJRQAZ.png 
