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xbee with stm32 little question

Associate II

I am doing xbee communication with stm32, I am sending and receiving data, there is no problem, but I cannot see message on the serail monitor of stm32. (but it appears in debug process) why?

Associate II

0693W00000aHXnnQAG.png0693W00000aHXo2QAG.pngusing POLL method for uart

Not at all clear from your presentation how you've implemented any of this forward / tunnelling, or how you might expect this to be debugged / diagnosed.

The Rx and Tx can occur concurrently. If I were in a polling loop, I'd probably implement it with a FIFO / Circular buffer, allowing me to monitor the respective TXE and RXNE of the USARTs I wanted forwarding to each other, and allowing for elasticity where the rates or bursts of data are not identical.

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